Children & Youth
Our children and youth ministries provide a multi-generational approach of Christian example as the church family comes alongside parents in their special responsibility to lead their children to become fully devoted disciples of Jesus Christ. Christian discipleship takes place in our choirs for all ages, at Bible Study and fellowship time, during family meal times at LOGOS, and away at summer camp. Service is also a key part of First Presbyterian church and the children and youth are involved in a variety of ways, such as participating in worship as acolytes or lay readers, creating and leading a worship service once a year, leading a canned food drive in the February, serving as table runners during our Advent Workshop, and individually being involved in other areas of service in our church.

Nursery care is available
for 6 week-olds through pre-kindergarten age children on Sundays from 10:45 a.m. through the end of 11 a.m. worship.
Time for Young Disciples
During 11 a.m. worship,
all children are invited to the front of the sanctuary for a children's lesson.
Following the Time for Young Disciples, children in kindergarten through second grade are dismissed for a special lesson and fellowship time.
Youth Connection
Sixth through twelfth grade students are invited to lunch, Bibles study, games and fellowship on Sundays after 11 a.m. worship.
LOGOS is an after-school, mid-week ministry designed to nurture children and youth in Christian discipleship.
For more information about these ministries, contact the church office at (352) 378-1527